Getting started

I will assume a linux environment plus basic bash skills. Windows and Mac users can interpolate.

Clone the sources into the document root on localhost with:
git clone

Make a new directory in the localhost installation fragments directory named something like Delme.
Move all current content (Gallery and Documentation etc) into the fragments/Delme directory. This way you still have the documentaion to refer to.

Edit a new fragments/index.htm file. This is an HTML fragment with no HTML header.
Make a directory of any name. Put some new *.htm files there. Add some images.
For each such image, perhaps boat.jpg edit a text file name boat.cap and take a look. Now delete all the *.cap files.
In the new directory you just made do the following: mkdir -p roboresources/pics <enter>

Now move the images in the new directory into roboresources/pics
Now edit index.htm or any other filename.htm file so it makes use fo the images you just moved into roboresources/pics
with something like <img alt="whatever" src="&@95;ROBOPATH_roboresources/pics/mypic.jpg" />

Now the images you first copied into this directory now no longer appear as dynamic links, but they are still useable.

_ROBOPATH_ in the image src= attribute is a macro that allows you to move directories and still have the ./roboresources/pics images travel with that directory.

New layouts

cd into the layouts directory.
copy robo.xml to test.xml
Edit conf/globals.php so $sys_layout="test";
Now experiment with edit changes to layouts/test.xml

Static Ouput

Read the Documentation for further changes. You might want to edit dynamically on localhost and then make a static version by edting conf/globals.php so $sys_static_mode="TRUE";

Then, from a terminal: wget -r localhost/xxx/robopages,
if and only if the local file system was writable to the apache process. You never want to do that on a real remote server.
Now copy the static output up to your server.
This will create a directory hierarchy under fragments/Pages with static HTML, with relative links,
if and only if the local file system was writable to the apache process. You never want to do that on a real remote server.
Now copy the static output up to your server.