Dynamic Navigation

The dynamicNavigation plugin (plugins/dynamicNavigation.php) makes use of the session variables subDirFilePath and subDirUrlPath to generate links on the fly for each subdirectory underneath the system's fragments directory.

for a URL like ?page=Athletes/Basketball/Magic-Johnson/Career-Stats.htm the dynamicNavigation plugin will examine the fragments/Athletes/Basketball/Magic-Johnson directory for a file named dirlinks. If that file exists its contents will be read line-by-line in order to create links defined there, from the format:
such as:
?page=Athletes/Basketball/Magic-Johnson/totalpoints.htm::Total Career Points
?page=Athletes/Basketball/Magic-Johnson/missedFreeThrows.htm::Missed Free Throws
Then the contents of the fragments/Athletes/Basketball/Magic-Johnson will be read. If any file fragments and/or subdirectories exist not already specified by the dirlinks file exist, links to those pages will be generated and tacked on to the end of the existing links. If no dirlinks file exists this part of the process becomes the entire list of links for this directory.

So the optional dirlinks file (which can be hand edited or generated with a command line script) can be used to control the top to bottom ordering of links. Further, all files and subdirectories found in the current directory are treated as a common page group, sharing the same dynamic links.

Links that have the form ?page=Athletes/Basketball/Magic-Johnson/blockedShots.htm assume the use (somewhere on the target page) of the flexyFileContent.php plugin. But you do not have to make those kinds of links. A dirlinks file (if it exists) might have a line defing a non-robopages link such as:
http://montana-riverboats.com::Montana Riverboats
External links such as the one above are typically defined in an dirlinks file. But the dirlinks file is optional. So the developer can create an external link in any given subdirectory by editing a link.url file.
For instance, the same external link could be created for all pages in the Driftboats/HonkyDory subdirectory by creating a file named fragments/Driftboats/HonkyDory/mrb.url, whose two line contents would be:

Montana Riverboats

...actually, for each filename.url file the second label line is optional. If mrb.url had only one line it would be assumed to be the href address, which would also be used for the label, if and only if there was no second line to the mrb.url file.

For URLs that have the form ?page=whatever you have to also read the documentation for the flexyFileContent plugin